Monday, January 15, 2007


I have been a faithful subscriber to Bruce Schneiers Crypto-Gram for several years. Every issue always contains at least something highly interesting and several parts that are damn right unsettling. The latest issue can be found here.

What's almost always very interesting is Bruce insight into the security measures USA continuously try to implement, and also how wrong headed they are. Reading about Automated Targeting System made me very glad I'm not an American citizen, and very frightened that I live on the same planet where USA is one of the most powerful countries around.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Iain M Banks and The Culture

The last few weeks I've been reading some fiction. Most of it has consisted of books by Iain M Banks. I hadn't read him before, but on impulse I bought The Algebraist a few months ago. It then gathered dust in my book case for a while, until I mentioned Banks to my colleague, and he promptly borrowed me The Player of Games. Once again, I didn't get started on it immediately, due to some pressing time constraints. But when I finally read it I was mesmerized. Not hard SF (which I usually prefer), but not too soft either, and with an intelligence and vision that is hard to find. So I devoured The Algebraist, and found it very nice too. Now I've read Consider Phlebas, Look To Windwards, and I'm halfway through Excession.

Basically, if you like Science Fiction, you will most probably love Iain M Banks. His person portraits are engaging and very believable and the backdrop is so intense and well fleshed out. Go read! I'm going to do exactly that with all books I can find by him. And when I'm finished with his SF, I guess I'll have to try the books he writes as Iain Banks too.

Ika I Rutan

Jag minns inte många barnprogram som gick när jag var liten, men ett av få som verkligen gjorde ett starkt intryck var Ika I Rutan. Jag har länge haft i tankarna att jag vill se om en del av det för att se om jag fortfarande tyckte om det.

Jag fick tag på två entimmesklipp för några månader sedan, men hade sedan inte tid att se dem. Men strax innan jul satte vi oss ner, jag och Stella, och tittade igenom dem. Boy, jag hade glömt hur bra det var. Hur annorlunda. Otroligt stimulerande och rätt intellektuellt på ett kreativt sätt. Och musiken var också jättebra.

Intressant nog har jag läst många på nätet som skriver att dem varit vettskrämda av Ika. Kan ej förstå detta. Jag älskade det programmet. Om du vill se ett smakprop, gå till youtube och sök på Ika I Rutan. Här är introsekvensen. Underbart.